Yourpartnervisa.com.au is your dedicated partner visa portal, designed to provide support and assistance to current and prospective Australian partner visa applicants. Yourpartnervisa.com.au is a division of Global Immigration Consulting. Global Immigration Consulting are Partner Visa Experts boasting a 100% success rate with 820 and 801 partner visas since 2008 (over 15 years).
Our Principal Immigration Consultant, Mr. Richard Quirin (Registered Migration Agent MARN: 0848935) has practiced in immigration law for over 15 years. Richard is a dual Australian and UK Citizen. We have assisted clients from a multitude of countries with an evolving strategic approach that is responsive to legislative changes and shifts in the immigration department’s policy.
We design an approach for success with 300 Prospective Marriage Visas, 309 & 820 partner visas and Permanent Partner Visas 100 & 801. Our experience is the secret to our success.

Yourpartnervisa.com.au Offers a free Partner Visa Assessment Consultation that comprehensively address the partner visa criteria and more importantly addresses the volume of policy that can and may contribute to receiving a positive or adverse decision from The Department of Home Affairs.
Our Principal Immigration Consultant, Mr. Richard Quirin (Registered Migration Agent MARN: 0848935) who has practiced in immigration law for over a 15 years has never had an 820 or 801 partner visa refused. Richard, also successfully sponsored his partner on a sub-class 820 Visa, thus providing guidance from a unique perspective and vantage point. Richard’s sponsored spouse now has permanent residency and they have 2 beautiful children Suzanne and Sebastien.
Our Partner Visa Assessment Consultation is completely free for prospective partner visa applicants and their sponsors and is not subject to any obligation to retain our services.

You are not alone ! Partner visas have over time become increasingly complex and increasingly driven by legislative interpretation as well as policy interpretation – as to what is deemed as a genuine and continuing relationship.
We find that most partner visa refusals could have been avoided had clients utilised professional and expert advice in the preparation and execution of a partner visa. Understanding what is required and how to demonstrate the genuine nature of the relationship is key.
At yourpartnervisa.com.au you are in expert hands and can utilise our knowledge gained over 15 years of practice. Contact us today for a free expert face to face consultation or a free Phone Consultation. From there you decide if we can be of help.